
Grades: 1 & 2


Tue Sep 17, 2024    
3:15 pm - 4:45 pm


Bookings closed

Event Type

Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:15 pm – 4:45 pm

Each 90 minute class will begin with a whole-group introduction to an art topic. Students will then have the opportunity to experiment with diverse art mediums such as watercolor, oil pastel, acrylic, sketching, crafts, and more during the course. Students will be introduced to foundational art concepts such as color theory, and studio practices of the mind. This program is intended for students in Grades 1st-2nd who are looking to experience after-school enrichment and community in the arts, while developing their skills as little artists! Students will have both guidance from the instructor and creative freedom, while also learning foundational art principles to be able to apply to future artistic endeavors and courses. All materials will be provided, and no artistic experience is necessary to enroll. Regular enrichment and exposure to arts is so important for childhood development. Join us for these semester courses!

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